Custom Foot Orthotics

Custom foot orthotics are custom made shoe inserts that help to restore healthy foot position and proper biomechanics. They provide stability for the foot and correct injury-causing imbalances. Many common conditions can be reduced or eliminated with the use of specially designed custom foot orthotics.

Who needs orthotics?

Orthotics benefit people with foot pain or discomfort due to imbalance. Some imbalances are obvious, such as flat feet, excessive pronation, bow legs, knock knees, pigeon-toes, “duck feet” or high-arched feet. However, many foot deformities are subtle, and are not detected until symptoms occur.

People who must walk or stand excessively at their work will also benefit from the comfort of orthotics. For those who are active in sports, orthotics will often increase endurance, performance and strength.

For overweight individuals, orthotics will help to counteract the extra stress on the feet. Small problems are often magnified due to the increased weight. Orthotics will benefit people with special needs, such as diabetics or the elderly. These individuals need accommodation or increased softness in the orthotic. Orthotics can work in a preventative manner to avoid the development of future foot problems, such as skin ulcerations.

What specific conditions may be helped?

If you have arch pain, heel pain, plantar fasciitis, tendonitis, shin splints, calluses, corns, bunions, orhammer toes, cramping, aching or tired legs, you can achieve an improvement. Certain types of leg, lower back and neck pain can be alleviated. The support that is provided helps control excessive pronation and helps with mid-foot, heel, ankle, knee, hip, and lower back pain. If you have a neuroma, geriatric, or diabetic foot problem, orthotics can provide you with needed protection and comfort.

Imbalance in your feet can distort the skeletal architecture of your body. While foot orthotics will not make a marked improvement in posture, they may eliminate posture problems or pain caused by your feet.